Two illustrations of two characters dancing with hunch backs, pot bellies, big noses and tall hats.

Cover Image: Illustration by Georg Puschner, discovered in a Bavarian archive by dance historian Derra de Moroda. It represents what may be regarded as preliminary drawings for his later illustration for Gregorio Lambranzi’s Neue und Curieuse Theatralische Tantz-Schul.

This issue of Zannizine offers you a splendid collection of articles for your delectation. Most are clustered around just one character – or personality – the noted bookseller, publisher, bibliophile, writer, dance historian, critic, balletomane and commedia enthusiast Cyril W. Beaumont (1891-1976). With his dapper dress, wing collars and colourful cravat, he could easily have been a Commedia dell’Arte character in his own right.


  1. Introducing Issue 9 of Zannizine

  2. Cyril W. Beaumont: A Recollection (Barry Grantham)

  3. Dance in Commedia – Part I (Bill Tuck)

  4. Cyril W. Beaumont: An Appreciation (Barry Grantham)

  5. Choreographing Callot (Klaus Abromeit)

  6. Cyril W. Beaumont and Cecil Sharp (Bill Tuck)

  7. The Changing Fortunes of Mr Punch (Bill Tuck)

  8. Stage Craft – Part II (Barry)

  9. Book Reviews:

    • John Rudlin’s The Metamorphoses of Commedia dell’Arte, or Whatever Happened to Harlequin (Olly Crick)

    • The collected articles in “Commedia dell’Arte in Context”, editor Balme (Bill Tuck)

  10. Ends and Odds: Highlights from World Commedia Day, 25 February 2023 (Cheryl Stapleton)


Issue 10: Winter 2023/24


Issue 8: Winter 2022/23