Issue 9: Spring/Summer 2023


1. Introducing Issue 9 of Zannizine

2. Cyril W. Beaumont: A Recollection (Barry Grantham)

3. Dance in Commedia – Part I (Bill Tuck)

4. Cyril W. Beaumont: An Appreciation (Barry Grantham)

5. Choreographing Callot (Klaus Abromeit)

6. Cyril W. Beaumont and Cecil Sharp (Bill Tuck)

7. The Changing Fortunes of Mr Punch (Bill Tuck)

8. Stage Craft – Part II (Barry)

9. Book Reviews:

i. John Rudlin’s “The Metamorphoses of Commedia dell’Arte, or Whatever Happened to Harlequin” (Olly Crick)

ii. The collected articles in “Commedia dell’Arte in Context”, editor Balme (Bill Tuck)

10. Ends and Odds: Highlights from World Commedia Day, 25 February 2023 (Cheryl Stapleton)

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Commedia, History, Articles, Masks, Research Cheryl Stapleton Commedia, History, Articles, Masks, Research Cheryl Stapleton

Issue 5: Spring 2022


  1. Introducing Issue 5 of Zannizine: The Present Status of Commedia

  2. Carnival – The Masks of Michael Ayrton introduced by Barry Grantham

  3. Yes, Dark Lord by Nathan Hook

  4. Joan Schirle (1944–2022) by Olly Crick

  5. Books & Book Reviews

  6. Competition

  7. Maurice Sand – Towards an Appraisal by Barry Grantham

  8. Jacques Callot’s Balli di Sfessania by John Rudlin

  9. Ends and Odds

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Commedia, History, Articles, Masks, Research Cheryl Stapleton Commedia, History, Articles, Masks, Research Cheryl Stapleton

Issue 3: Autumn 2021 & Christmas Supplement


  1. Introducing Issue 3 of Zannizine

  2. Centre Sélavy by John Rudlin

  3. Enter the Witch by Olly Crick

  4. The ‘Dames’ of Burnacini by Bill Tuck

  5. From Witch to Dame (& Back Again?) by Bill Tuck

  6. Origins and Variants of the Harlequin Costume by Barry Grantham

  7. Commedia Around the World: Commedia in Paris by Anna Cottis

  8. Memories ... by Rein van Schagen

  9. Ends and Odds: Introducing Lesser-known Masks, announcements and news

Christmas Supplement:

  1. Glimpses of Deburau by Barry Grantham

  2. Plum Pudding for Pantomime by David Drummond

  3. The Art of Amusing 1871

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Commedia, History, Articles, Masks, Research Cheryl Stapleton Commedia, History, Articles, Masks, Research Cheryl Stapleton

Issue 2: Summer 2021


  1. Introducing Issue 2 of Zannizine

  2. Learning Through Commedia dell'Arte by Cheryl Stapleton

  3. Manifesto! By Olly Crick

  4. Review of Wuthering Heist by Barry Grantham

  5. Commedia Around the World: Commedia dell’Arte in Boston by Jay Cross and Chiara Durazzini

  6. A Little-known Engraver by Barry Grantham

  7. Dance and the Muse of Comedy by Bill Tuck

  8. The Magic of Sands by Bill Tuck

  9. Ends and Odds

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